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*21st Century [ Literacies and skills]   
*21st Century [ Literacies and skills]   

This course reflects aspects of all four key concept areas addressed in NMU's academic curricular mission:
In addition, this course reflects aspects of all four key concept areas addressed in NMU's academic curricular mission:

NMU key concepts for curricula, and, therefore, courses comprising curricula, include:  
NMU key concepts for curricula, and, therefore, courses comprising curricula, include:  

Latest revision as of 10:21, 8 June 2011

HL368 Web2.0-Cats' Wiki PROGRAMMING IN HEALTH & FITNESS EDUCATION -- This Real Time Case Study with Wiki and YouTube Project was supported by a Grant from:

Faculty Hosts: Professors Patricia Hogan and Barb Coleman

Professors Hogan and Coleman

Please consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

Welcome to the Real-time Case (RTC) Method in Action

The move from teacher-centered to learner-centered models represents a search for better ways to develop university mission-central qualities in students. The emergence of Web 2.0 ("read-write-Web”) from Web 1.0 (“read-only-Web”) has opened up new avenues (e.g., wikis, blogs, YouTube, podcasts) for promoting active, open, learner-centered environments that allow students to collaborate and share information online to identify and solve problems (versus just passively receive information). When Web 2.0 applications are combined with powerful learner-centered strategies such as competently used case studies, project –based learning, or problem-based learning, students are empowered to develop skills central to education and professional intellect. This project represents a traditional Constructivist learning theory model embedded within a new Connectivist model, where "know where" to find relevant information is as important as the "know what", "know how", "know why", and "care why" components of professional intellect.

Our adaptation of the real–time caseor RTC method uses the Internet to bring business (or profession-related) reality to business or profession-related courses and to facilitate communication among faculty, students, and the case company (Theroux, 2009). We shall adapt it through engaging it using social media (Wiki and YouTube) and using a problem-based learning format for the case study. The NMU course to be used for this project is HL 368 (Programming in Health and Fitness Education). The case company to be used is Superior Fitness, a local business in Marquette, Michigan that is run by an alumnus (Aaron Clemins) of NMU.

In addition, this project will help us develop our New Media Literacies. New media literacies involve play, performance, simulation, appropriation, multi-tasking, distributive cognition, collective intelligence, judgment, transmedia navigation, networking and negotiation, and are typically applied in a social context, resulting in “participatory culture” (Jenkins et al, 2006). Participatory culture, a term most often applied to the production or creation of some type of published media through participatory media (such as blogs, wikis, RSS, tagging and social bookmarking, music-photo-video sharing, mashups, podcasts, video comments and videoblogs) , shifts the focus of literacy from one of individual expression to community involvement (Jenkins et al, 2006). A participatory culture is also one in which members believe their contributions matter, and feel some degree of social connection with one another (Jenkins et al, 2006). Characteristics of participatory culture include: Affiliations - belonging to a group; Expressions — producing new creative forms;Collaborative Problem-solving — working together in teams, formal and informal,to complete tasks and develop new knowledge; and Circulations — shaping the flow of media (such as podcasting, youTube, wiki work, blogging) (Jenkins et al, 2006).Finally, here is a video on moving beyond skill set to literacies.

Picture from this site

Real-time Case (RTC) Group Project

RTC Disclosures

Model for Programming: What's Relevant:

  • Assessing health/fitness needs in a target population (Relevant)
  • Identifying measurable objectives designed to meet the needs
  • Planning an appropriate, evidence-based intervention or program,
  • Planning and using behavior change models for the target population
  • Intervening or enacting the program with the target population
  • Evaluating to see if the objectives/need met(Effective?)
  • Other: marketing; management; liability/risk-management(Safe); etc.

Skill Set and Literacies focused on:

In addition, this course reflects aspects of all four key concept areas addressed in NMU's academic curricular mission:

NMU key concepts for curricula, and, therefore, courses comprising curricula, include:

1. Intellectual Foundation includes a curriculum focusing on reasoning skills, humanistic and scientific inquiry, technological and writing skills along with cultural and historical knowledge. This curriculum will provide a rich context for life-long learning and problem-solving that will serve as a foundation for any career an NMU graduate may pursue.

2. Career Preparation is grounded in the University’s commitment to provide and support high quality academic and technical programs that are relevant to societal needs and challenges and that meet the needs of a global business environment. Career preparation provides the NMU graduate with the educational qualifications, skills and flexibility necessary to compete and succeed in a rapidly changing environment.

3. An Active Learning Model engages students in higher-order thinking tasks such as discovery, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Active learning connects faculty scholarship to the student learning experience. In addition to engagement in the classroom, it also includes the practical application of knowledge through activities such as internships, practica, academic service learning and field experiences.

4. Community engagement fosters collaboration between the students’ experience of the curriculum and communities outside the university at the local, state, regional, national and global levels for the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity.

RTC Group Pages

Not participating? Don't get voted off the Island!! Notice the sharks! Art by:Chris Willcocks.